Bound for glory and eternity 
Four winds blowing on a stormy sea 
Faith, hope and love; a job well done 
Four winds blowing with the spirit of one 
Setting out into the dark of night 
A ship filled with men prepared to fight 
Ready to die to keep men free 
It was January 22, 1943 
George Lansing Fox, Veteran at arms 
Heeding the call of duty’s alarm 
He tells his wife, I must go 
What these boys are facing, I already know. 
David Goode, Rabbi, leader of men 
Carries the haunting memories of a boy of ten 
Watching the burial of a soldier with no name 
Igniting forever in his heart, the sacred fire 
Of freedoms flame 
Clark Poling, exuberant soul, outgoing and free 
Responding to the call of a higher decree 
Tells his father---don’t pray for the safe 
Return of your son 
But that I fulfill my duty---- and be counted 
Worthy of a job well done 
Father John Washington at the age of twelve 
Was on the brink of death, but his life prevailed 
Knowing that God had something special for him to do 
He set sail with the Dorchester during World War II 
The ship cut a path through icy waters 
The enemy was all around 
The young warriors were anxious and nervous 
Not knowing where they were bound 
And through the valley of the shadow of death 
Sailed the ship into the silent night 
And with the courage and strength that comes from above 
Stand the chaplains----four Holy beacons of light 
Then suddenly the ship was hit 
It was a mortal wound 
She was sinking, sinking fast 
Down to her final doom 
Stricken with panic 
From the deadly blow 
Men were screaming and yelling 
As they ran to and fro


Amidst the raging chaos, anguish, fear and pain 
Suddenly appeared four chaplains----calmly standing---- 
As if in the eye of a hurricane 
They spoke forth words of courage 
To men who were on the verge of death 
Their voices rang not with an earthly sound 
But were blessed with a Heavenly breath 
They handed out the lifejackets 
Until they were all gone 
And then the soldiers watched in awe 
As they handed out their own 
They braced against the slanted deck 
Arm in arm----side by side 
They lifted up their hearts to Heaven 
To the Father in whose love they did abide 
Other men drew close to them 
Their panic and fear replaced 
By the emanating presence 
Of God’s Holy peace and grace 
In Hebrew, Latin and English 
Their voices began to pray 
Reaching out to the very same God 
Each in his own way 
The stern came high out of the water 
The Dorchester slid down into the sea 
Six hundred and five men were lost 
Four chaplains were set free 
They saw no Protestant, Catholic, or Jew 
Only men in need 
They joined together in brotherhood 
And fulfilled a noble deed 
Four winds blowing 
On life’s stormy sea 
Four spirits bound for glory 
In God’s eternity 
Four winds blowing 
Crying out a job well done 
Four spirits bound together 
With the spirit of the one